Monday, January 16, 2012

this little word of mine (i'm gonna let it shine!)

seems like this year a lot of people are using one word to describe their new year's resolution.

the word i feel God has really been laying on my heart is love.
i wrote a post about what we're studying in our sunday school class over the next couple months here. in my study, i'm learning what dr. gary chapman believes are the seven characteristics of love:  kindness, patience, forgiveness, courtesy, humility, generosity and honesty. i wrote about two of the characteristics of this tiny little word  here and here. i'll try and do a post on each one as i go through the study.

we all have some form of human interaction. whether it be with our kiddos, parents, neighbors, co-workers, spouses, friends, family and even complete strangers.

i can get frustrated, impatient and upset with the family, friends and my kids sometimes. sometimes i yell when i shouldn't. sometimes i'm not showing any of the characteristics of love. but this is the year i want to be different. really different.
this year i want to be a better wife, mom, friend, neighbor, co-worker and stranger. i want to be as authentic as i can so that others can see God's love shine through me.
love is so much bigger than these four little letters give it credit for. i know i won't master all of the characteristics that it holds but i'm going to try my best to really focus on the meaning of each one and put them into practice each and every day this year.
and to help with my focus, what if i got this really cute pair of toms to wear!!

linking up with layla from the lettered cottage today


Tammy@InStitches said...

Love, what an awesome word that we all could use a little bit more of. Stopping by from Layla's.....

Jennifer Officer said...

Amanda, thanks for your comments. I am going to get that book you are doing in your class. It sounds like it would help me focus on what it means to pursue love. As you said, it is a hard word to wrap up in four letters. But, I think the TOMS would be a great reminder. May have to look into those myself. I look forward to hearing how God uses the word in your life this year.

Lena said...

i'm here via layla's blog.

may the Good Lord be with you on every step of this journey and may your increase in love give glory to Him.

pax Christi, lena

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

Thank you for stopping by to leave a comment on my "word of the year post" (yes) :)
Very inspiring post! Love! We can all use more love!

black tag diaries said...

you're right... there's so much more to that word "'love" than in those 4 little letters. such a good reminder that it is God's love that flows through me and i want to share that with those around me. so glad you stopped by my blog today... thanks for your kind words on my "waiting" post. following you now:)

Unknown said...

Following you from Layla's word party-Stop by for a visit!