hey y'al! it's been a while since i posted, but it has been nonstop around here.
our weekend was packed full and this upcoming week doesn't look much different.
we started our weekend with a soccer tournament. my youngest plays on a local travel team. this weekend had us in monroe on saturday and athens on sunday. but i soaked up plenty of this glorious weather we've been having so it was all good!
saturday night we had date night with some of our very best friends. do you have that certain couple where your relationships seem so paralleled. both guys act pretty much the same and so do the girls. well, that's us with this couple. and i'm here to tell you, every time we go out with them...nothing.but.fun. the one word to describe our relationship with them is simply this...easy.
we tried a "new to us" restaurant called chops and hops that's located in a city right outside of athens . y'all we ate til we couldn't eat anymore. i mean kevin looked at the menu and ordered appetizer, main course AND dessert! whaaaaaa? he doesn't do that very often.
sunday we had an awesome worship service with our new church family. synergy church officially became our family a couple of weeks ago. but we've felt they've been our family since we first arrived on their launch date of january 22 of this year.
we're getting things ready with our church team this week to, as lindsay (the cutest pastor's wife you've ever seen) posted on twitter, egg barrow county. and spread the word about our easter service which is sure to be amazing! we're stuffing plastic eggs to hand out in goody bags to everyone we come in contact with over these next couple of weeks.
love being a small small part of this group of people so willing to put others before themselves.
on top of soccer practice for eli, spring basketball practice and a game for ethan, eli is making his acting debut in the high schools rendition of oklahoma. okay, he doesn't have a speaking role, but he is acting all the same!
he has practice three nights this week with the play running friday, saturday and sunday. he is beyond excited!
i am gonna miss saturday nights performance simply because i had already purchased tickets to go to girl's night live with kevin's sister and her church group. but let me tell you, i'm so excited! a very good friend of mine and i will be driving toward atlanta saturday for a little dinner and some girl time and i.cannot.wait. if you don't know what girls night live is...click on the link!
so that's my life past, present and future...in a nutshell. probably won't have time to do anything but breath for the next week but i'm embracing it with everything it has to offer. oh and btw, i did find a couple of new recipes on pinterest i thought i'd share with you.
i think i'll try these this week and let you know how it goes! last weeks recipes were a huge hit!! especially the alice springs chicken!!
y'all have a blessed week!!