Thursday, January 5, 2012

last isn't always a bad thing

dr. kevin leman (do you know him...he wrote the books, the birth order book, making children mind without losing yours, and sheet music just to name a few)  says of the last born child...
babies of the family are social and outgoing, they are the most financially irresponsible of all birth orders. They just want to have a good time. Knowing that these kids love the limelight, it's no surprise to discover that Billy Crystal, Goldie Hawn, Drew Carey, Jim Carey and Steve Martin are all lastborns.
well, let me take a moment to introduce you to our last born...
this is eli. he is our baby of the family, being he's two and a half years younger than his brother but you would never know it by his looks. they are almost the same height!

eli and ethan (i think ethan must be on his tip toes)

when we were first told we were going to have another boy, we began to mentally lay out exactly what his personality would be like. i mean, we already had one little could there be that much difference. well, let me tell you...there was!
he is our creative one. dr. leman said "limelight" and that fits him to a tee. he's a performer.
the prinicpal kevin worked under, retired this year. so in honor of him the students and staff got together and gave him a farewell party on his last day. eli attends an after school program for the kids of the teachers who work at the high school. the peer leaders (who are high school students) thought it would be a cool idea to have a flash mob for the event. so a few of the kids from after school learned the routine, eli being one of them. after they performed, the high school drama teacher asked kevin if he thought eli would like to be in the high school's performance of oklahoma this spring!

not only does he like to be in front of the camera, he also likes to be behind it. he spends hours building with lincoln logs or legos and then gets the video camera and makes a movie from what he's built. i'm not talking about him turning on the camera and just walking around mindlessly filming. he actually turns his movies into animation. he starts and stops the camera, repositioning the people so it seems as if they have actually come to life. he has a script for them and changes his voice to match the characters he has created. it's pretty amazing (but i know i'm his mama, and i should say this)

he loves to draw on our driveway with chalk. this is some of his art i found the other day while taking our baby yorkie (lily) outside.

this says "mommy garage"

and this one says "i'm dating allison carter"
um...eli, i don't think you can refer to me as "mommy" (he actually never calls me that) or draw animals in chalk on our driveway and consider yourself old enough to "date" anyone!

carrying on...
he's not hugely into sports, like his brother, but he does play.
he has really gotten into soccer the last few years. and now plays on a local travel team for barrow county

he's a very good defender

and seeing how his daddy is a basketball coach, basketball is his other sport. he plays on a travel league out of athens, and i kid you not, he's a head taller than most of the other kids there
that's him #25

but most of all, he is good. despite the many, many things, as parents, we've done wrong, he is good. and i give all the glory and honor to the Lord for that. i'm so thankful for this boy of mine and i'm so glad God chose me to be his mama!


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